Read what is new both in SAPIE and also in the world of innovative economy in Slovakia and abroad.
Inovačný manifest
Opatrenia pre lepšie podnikateľské, výskumné a inovačné prostredie. Tri výzvy, ktoré môžu zásadne ovplyvniť hospodársky rast a prosperitu Slovenska: zabezpečenie kvalitnej pracovnej sily, rozvoj podnikateľského prostredia a efektívne zjednotenie riadenia výskumu a inovácií.
SAPIE Forum 2023 report
Have you attended our first conference in March? No? We have prepared a report from this precious event, so you can get motivated to join us next year.
Predstavenie inovačného a digitálneho manifesta zástupcom politických strán a inovačnému ekosystému
Technológie sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou doby, v ktorej sa nachádzame. Nástup inovácií a digitálnych riešení je v mnohom spájaný so skvalitenením a zjednodušením života, zvýšením životnej úrovne, zvýšením konkurencieschopnosti firiem a celkovo potenciálu krajiny.
Digitálny Manifest 2023
V nadväznosti na Manifest digitálneho sektora z roku 2020, pripravuje SAPIE a AmCham Slovensko aktualizovaný digitálny manifest na podporu digitalizácie malých a stredných podnikov pre budúcu vládu.
SAPIE Innovation Measures - Snap Elections 2023
Ahead of the Slovak snap elections in September 2023, SAPIE has established a policy working group to create a package of innovation measures proposals which can be implemented into the election programs of political parties.
AI Regulations for Tech Startups
SAPIE, League for Digital Boost in cooperation with Google discussed the current state of AI Regulation in EU and its implication for tech startups.
Discussion: Bolstering a predictable AI regulatory framework - how could we all be winners?
We discussed the topic of AI regulations and its implications for startups and SMEs with the international community at the GLOBSEC 2023 Bratislava Forum.
SAPIE co-organiser of INNOVATION stage at COINTT 2023
SAPIE is the main co-organiser of INNOVATION stage at the biggest technology transfer conference in Slovakia. This year’s edition will be dedicated to blank spaces in innovations and technology transfer.
Otvorený list vláde SR na podporu digitalizácie MSP
Pripravili sme otvorený list pre vládu Slovenskej republiky na podporu digitalizácie MSP. Viac si prečítajte v našom liste.
General Assembly 2023
During the General assembly 2023 we summarised our activities for 2022 and we had an awesome time with our members, despite the weather :).
Biznis raňajky: Digitalizácia e-commerce
Až 2/3 SME firiem a 2/5 mikrofiriem sa aktívne venuje digitalizácii firemných procesov. Väčšinu z nich však trápia problémy ako administratívna náročnosť, nevôľa zamestnancov k zmene, finančné náklady či hrozba kybernetického útoku.
Lublin 3 Seas Congress
On the 16th and 17th May 2023, 3 Seas Local Government Congress and Economic Forum in Lublin took place.
Innovations, the driving engine
Innovations are often referred to as the driving engine of economic development. But innovations are also a way to improve the quality of life, support sustainable solutions, attract talent, increase competitiveness, or increase GDP.
Košice Region - the Cradle of Global Innovations
Košice region is full of inspirational innovation success stories. SAPIE was invited to the Košice Region Innovation Awards 2023 and organised an innovation breakfast with local community. These two events were proof of the competitivness of the Eastern Slovakia.
Digitalisation of SMEs as the Precondition for Boosting the EU Competitiveness
Digitalization offers opportunities to improve citizens' lives, but it requires understanding and implementation, evolving skills, and cross-sectoral cooperation with stable and transparent regulations.
Digital transformation of Slovak micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
In recent years, Slovakia has regularly been on the unflattering last rungs of the DESI indexes, through which the European Commission annually monitors the progress of individual EU member states in the area of digital competitiveness. Read the report we have prepared in cooperation with Slovenská sporiteľňa.
Innovate Slovakia Launched Slovak Innovation Ecosystem Database
Innovate Slovakia has launched the first ever database about the innovation ecosystem in Slovakia. The database includes data on startups, scaleups, funding rounds and exits in the country.
30 years of innovations in Slovakia
Read SAPIE report about 30 years of innovations in Slovakia. This report aims to map Slovakia’s path on the digital innovation journey during the 30 years of its independent existence, as well as to offer a vision of its future development in this area.
SAPIE Forum 2023 - Looking back to the 2nd day
First edition of SAPIE Forum has offered many interesting insights into the digital and innovation ecosystem. Here you can find a throwback report of the second day of the forum.
SAPIE Forum 2023 - 1st day in a nutshell
First edition of SAPIE Forum has offered many interesting insights into the digital and innovation ecosystem. Here you can find a throwback report of the first day of the forum.