Read what is new both in SAPIE and also in the world of innovative economy in Slovakia and abroad.
🎉 SAPIE regional innovationn tour launched in Košice🙌🏻
General assembly 2022 was a get together with our members
General Assembly 2022 was a great get together with our members
General assembly 2022 was a get together with our members
Oznámenie výsledkov hlasovania per rollam - nový člen Rady SAPIE
Oznámenie výsledkov hlasovania per rollam z valného zhromaždenia, ktoré prebiehalo online za nového člena Rady SAPIE.
What can Slovakia change to catch up in innovation with the world?
Innovation must be an unstoppable force in a country that must move forward, that desperately needs the return of young, hard-working, and ambitious heads, and that also seeks initiatives to get things moving in the right direction.
We become a partner of the Impact CEE
We said yes to become a partner of the biggest conference, pointing out the best technological and economical developing ideas in Central Europe.
Join us at the SAPIE General Assembly 2021
We would like to invite our members to SAPIE General Assembly 2021. Join us and meet great business people for your network.
Have your say on the development of the New European Innovation Agenda
EC launched a ‘Call for Evidence’ to collect feedback on the plans for a New European Innovation Agenda, which is an unique opportunity for public to provide its feedback.
Policy groups are boosting the discussions
Last week we had a calendar filled with meetings of the League for Digital Boost, whose groups are dedicated to accelerating and streamlining the innovation processes we want to achieve as a country with a vision.
Don't miss this biggest technology event this year. SAPIE is an Ambassador of Viva Technology 2022!
Viva Technology 2022, the biggest European startup and tech event is happening from June 15th-18th and we aren't left untouched. Instead we would like to inform you with incredible excitement, that SAPIE became ambassador and will participate in this summit in Paris this year.
We became a member of SME connect
We became a member of SME connect, we hope to shape a better business environment for SMEs on EU level.
The place of the CEE countries in the EU’s digital future
It is critical for the region to plan its digital transformation with a specific vision and set of defined goals. The reform measures should focus not just on the digital legal framework or infrastructure nor create an overhaul of the approach by the governments in the region.
SAPIE became a partner of the HN conference events
We are honored to take this opportunity and look forward to shaping the future events you can also participate in. We are also pleased to announce that as members of SAPIE you can take advantage of a 15% discount on paid events.
Roundtable discussion on digitization
The roundtable discussion was organized this time in cooperation with the Polish ZPP association, which is a member of the League. The aim was to identify the main obstacles to the digitization of SMEs and to propose recommendations for policy-making.
We signed joint letter on data transfer
We, the undersigned organizations, call on the European Commission to ensure that the flow of data within and across the Atlantic is provided with a clear legal framework that continues to support growth and competitiveness and keeps Europe digitally connected to the US.
The Digital Services Act: A step closer to a safer online environment
The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a part of the European Commission’s vision for Europe’s digital future. It is also an opportunity to harmonise the online content in Europe and create a comprehensive legislation that could also set some global standards.
CEE Digital Coalition’s statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and call for-unity in cybersecurity
We, the digital industry of Central Eastern Europe, gathered around the initiative of CEE Digital Coalition, state our solidarity with Ukraine and its people, and express our utmost outrage in the light of invasion of a sovereign state, Member State of the Eastern Partnership and a dear neighbour of the Three Seas Initiative.
EU-US negotiations on data transfer should move closer to a final agreement
The dependence of companies and end users on the digital environment is constantly increasing, which also puts pressure on the regulation of rules in the field of data security (GDPR, cyber security) or their transmission.
We signed a MANIFESTO of Scale-Up Europe
We fully agree that the European startup ecosystem needs to join forces as a community and step up to respond to the opportunities and challenges that await our continent.
Digitalization, the way to a simpler life
Small businesses and entrepreneurs are the backbone of any economy. Countries like Slovakia can lose a lot if they delay the activities to support digitization.
The year 2022 is the year of digital regulations. What does it mean for the economy within the EU?
In 2022, the European Union (EU) will face key decisions that will have a significant impact on the progress of the digital transformation, but also on the overall development of the economy. In particular, it should focus on the substance within the digital space.