Read what is new both in SAPIE and also in the world of innovative economy in Slovakia and abroad.
Enter the healthcare market faster
Do you want to fast-track your Digital Health innovation? Do you want to validate the concept in a real environment with the stakeholders that really matter? Then you are in the right spot, and Digivitality is the next step on your path to success.
🇺🇸🇸🇰30 years of Slovak-U.S. economic relations
We prepared a report to look at the evolution of the Slovak economy and specifically at its economic relationships with the United States. Compared to other countries in the region, Slovakia’s economic journey definitely ranks amongst the more turbulent, with rather dramatic ups and downs.
Pioneering the Digital Transformation Landscape in Europe
What is an EDIH (short for European Digital Innovation Hub), actually? It is, on one hand, a concept developed by the European commission to accelerate the digital transformation of SMEs. Read the JRC report.
Refining the 'European Economic Security Strategy' for Digital Collaboration
The 'European Economic Security Strategy,' unveiled by the European Commission in June, aims to fortify the EU against supply chain vulnerabilities and economic coercion. While endorsing the strategy's objective of bolstering economic resilience, concerns arise over potential drawbacks.
Ohliadnite sa s nami za rokom 2023
Ohliadnite sa s nami za rokom 2023 a zaznačte si termín nášho SAPIE Forum 2024.
CEE Innovation Day in Warsaw
On 12th December 2023, our colleagues Lucia and Michal attended the CEE Innovation Day in Warsaw. The event was organized by Digital Poland Association and Meta.
UNCTAD eWeek Forum in Geneva
4th - 8th December 2023 was marked by the UNCTAD eWeek Forum in Geneva, where SAPIE took part. Thanks to the cooperation with the CIPE - Center for International Private Enterprise, we were present as panelists to share our work and activities at SAPIE.
Successful International Expansion Insights: Web Presence, Partnerships, and Systematic Approaches
Fruitful discussions on international expansion with great speakers, networking with CEO’s of Slovak companies, that’s the SAPIE Christmas event. Did you miss it? Read few quotes from the discussion.
We were community partner of Impact Summit
We at SAPIE are proud to be one of the community partners of this conference. The main idea of the conference was to strengthen democracy also through innovation, and to support the engagement of the business sector in these topics as well.
AI Act: Securing a fair and pro-innovative AI regulation
New technologies are undoubtedly impacting our daily lives - in business, at home, at schools, in the public sector. With that said, it is inevitable to enact regulations that protect consumers, market and financial stability, fair competition, labor standards, public safety and health, environment and other parts of society.
Joint Statement on Regulation on Artificial Intelligence
SAPIE and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic initiated a joint statement on AI regulation in the EU. Today, 22 organizations from 11 EU Member States published a letter advocating for a balanced regulatory framework that fosters innovation and AI development in Europe.
Strengthening Slovak competitiveness through innovation & digitization: SAPIE actively participated at ITAPA
ITAPA 2023: Slovakia's IT Conference Unveils Government Priorities, Industry Future, and Tech Innovations with 850 Diverse Participants.
Empowering SMEs: Navigating the Green and Digital Frontier for Sustainable Growth
Empowering SMEs: Navigating the Green and Digital Frontier for Sustainable Growth. As the narrative of the session stated, the green digital transition creates both opportunities and challenges for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Empowering Innovation and Collaboration: Highlights from the SME Assembly 2023 in Bilbao, Spain
SME Assembly 2023: Unveiling Innovation in Bilbao, Spain! From Professor Sarasvathy's impactful Schumpeter lecture to the inspiring European Enterprise Promotion Awards, discover cutting-edge entrepreneurship and innovative solutions.
We are part of a Digivitality project!
We are part of a Digivitality project focused on digitalization of healthcare industry within CEE region.
COINTT 2023 opäť spojí akademický a podnikateľský svet
Mať talent a dobrý nápad je kľúčové. Na to, aby sa dobré nápady preniesli do praxe, je ale potrebné mať aj podnikateľského ducha.
Chatovačka - informal meeting for our members
Innovative companies met at the cottage Zoška to network in informal atmosphere. And the outcome is amazing.
Sme súčasťou pracovnej skupiny pre regionálne inovácie pod Radou vlády SR
Sme členom Pracovnej skupiny pre regionálne inovácie pod Radou vlády SR pre vedu, techniku a inovácie. Kedže kostrou slovenskej ekonomiky sú práve spoločnosti pôsobiace v regiónoch, cieľom tejto pracovnej skupiny je naplno rozvíjať ich inovačný potenciál.
OECD webinar: Access to digital infrastructure and cloud computing for SMEs
We’ve took part in the online discussion organized by the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE) invites you to the “Digital for SMEs” on the Access to digital infrastructure and cloud computing for SMEs.
Joint industry call for a risk-based AI Act that truly foster innovation
SAPIE joined EU industry associations - representing developers, deployers and users of AI - who signed a joint statement targeting the regulation of AI in the EU.